Fuel Box I
Our album’s been out for a little bit more than a week and we think it’s nice to reminisce:
So, the album is for sale on Bandcamp (digital and physical) and our webshop (iDeal). You can cop it in Concerto (Amsterdam, luistertip!) and Plato (Utrecht) now as well. (Stores as I-Tunes and Spotify have been delayed…sorry)
They wrote about us on the site of Algemeen Dagblad (AD), we are “Wicked Jazz Sounds” Album Of The Month (Radio 6 & KX Radio), lovely reviews on sites like Nu.nl (dutch), FunkiMag (Dutch), GrimyGoods and of LA’s biggest Radio Stations 89.7, AAAmusic(UK) and many others, Shockblog GeenStijl.nl linked to our Bandcamp, Contests on TheFindMag, Laid Back Radio & NLtracks, in 22tracks FunkJazz-list, on both the 3voor12 as the Radio6 “listening pole”, support from some Twitter bigshots….And that’s just the last weeks (the timeline goes way back)
And now from this moment you can vote for us as “Wicked Jazz Sounds”- Album of the year 2011! Please support us! (and share?)
BTW are you already a fan of our Facebookpage?